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Special Lecture Entitled ¡°Embracing the New Economy Driven by New Technologies¡±was Held

BEIJING, November 10, 2016 /www.fjsen.com, Editor: Lin Chen/On November 9, Academician Zhonghan Deng, Vice President of CAST, Academician of CAE, President of VIMICRO was invited to give a special lecture entitled ¡°Embracing the New Economy Driven by New Technologies¡± for representatives from Fujian Provincial Authorities in Fujian Hall. The lecture is sponsored by Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and Organization Department.

Academician Zhonghan Deng started with overall background and new trends of the economic globalization, discussed about our country¡¯s strengthened development of new economy driven by new technologies and systematically illustrated the new technologies such as big data, integrated circuit and Internet of Things from the perspective of three revolutions of information technology. He also conducted in-depth interaction and exchange with the audience and answered their questions.

Representatives present at the conference expressed that the lecture was profound but easily understandable and cited various authorities, which was quite wonderful. It has provided great thoughts and references to deeply learn and carry out the spirits of series of important speeches and the important speeches related to network information work made by General Secretary Xi Jinping; implement the strategy of ¡°network power¡± and solidly promote ¡°mass entrepreneurship and innovation¡± and ¡°made in China 2025¡±; boost the transformation and upgrade of economic development with innovation and for our province to carry out the innovation-driven development strategies, construct the innovative provinces and speed up boosting the development of software and information technology service industry, realize mid-end and high-end transformation and turn to be power province in electronic information industry.

Company Contact:

Mr. Hongqian Li

Phone: +86 (10) 5884 8898

E-mail: lihongqian@vimicro.com


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