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  Video Surveillance Solutions
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Vimicro offers complete hardware-software surveillance solutions for its customers, which are used in a variety of government, business, and industrial applications. Our solutions fully support SVAC (Surveillance Audio and Video Coding), China¨s domestic standard for surveillance video. For more information on SVAC, please click here.


The hardware portion of a solution is comprised of digital video recorders (DVRs), network video recorders (NVRs), video servers, digital high-definition cameras, and other equipment. Vimicro¨s hardware is based on its proprietary ICs, which offer functions such as image signal processing, audio and video compression, video analytics, and video storage, networking, and other functions.

Please click here for more information on Vimicro¨s surveillance video processor ICs.


Our ViSS (Video Surveillance System) software comprises the centerpiece of our video surveillance systems. ViSS addresses the needs of telecom operators and local governments. This platform offers a platform for unified surveillance, storage and management solutions utilizing a broadband network infrastructure to connect independent monitoring sites across a broad geographical area. It can meet the monitoring needs of city roadways, airports, shopping centers, banks, schools, and other large facilities where surveillance is vital. The platform also provides system management tools that enhance the visual and audio monitoring capabilities of multiple sites over telecommunication networks. ViSS represents one of the most stable carrier-class video surveillance platforms available in the industry.


Our surveillance solutions target the following applications:

Safe Cities
Intelligent Transportation
Vertical Solutions
Internet of Things
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